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These are the frequently asked questions around iDEAL. Is your question not here? Then please contact us.

iDEAL in3
iDEAL Checkout
iDEAL Profile
  • General
  • Payment Issues
  • Paying with iDEAL
  • iDEAL QR
  • Security and Fraud
  • iDEAL Payment Requests
Is iDEAL also available in the English language?

Since an iDEAL transaction is made in the internetbanking environment or moblie banking app of the various consumerbanks (Issuers) which support iDEAL, the availability of the English language depends upon these Issuers supporting internet of mobilebanking in English.

Can I use the iDEAL payment to have my customers sign an eMandate?

An iDEAL payment is executed via a SEPA Credit Transfer. One of it characteristics of this payment instrument is that every payment must be authorized by the consumer individually. It is not possible to perform multiple, repeated payments with one iDEAL transaction.

Alternatively, you can use the European Direct Debit for repeated payments. In accordance with the European regulations only a written authorization or an eMandate (such as Incassomachtigen) are legitimate mandates to do Direct Debits. Once you have obtained a mandate, the Direct Debits are initiated by you, as the payee without prior activity of the payer. To protect the payer, the payment is not guaranteed. He or she has the right, by law, to reverse the payment within 8 weeks.

How do I create an iDEAL Profile with ING?
  1. Open the ING Banking app. 
  2. Tap on Service > Your app settings. 
  3. Tap on the option iDEAL. 
  4. Choose the ING account you wish to use and tap Next. 
  5. You will now be redirected to the browser, to the iDEAL website. Complete your profile there with your personal and address details. 
  6. Confirm your details with the code you receive via email and save your profile.
ING screenshots - creating an iDEAL Profile